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Make 2020 The Most Productive & Cleanest Year Ever

Writer's picture: MVMV
As the holidays have come to an end and everybody is returning to work in the snow, freezing cold and dreading the dark winter drives to and from work; workplace illness returns to strike again and threatens every employee in its way, making winters even more difficult for us all. As employees return back to work it is important that they are able to stay at work in a healthy and productive environment. Colds and flus put a damper on everybody’s spirit and productiveness throughout the office. NECS would like to remind you of the best ways to make this years cold and flu season in Boston the best that it has ever been! 
Firstly, it is important to stress the importance to employees of proper hand washing techniques and using a provided antibacterial soap. It is also important to encourage employees to stay home if they are able to spread their illness to other co-workers. This will reduce overall absenteeism throughout the entire office and make 2020 an even more productive year for your company. However, with employees still taking these actions it will not completely stop the natural progression of germs being spread throughout work spaces throughout this winter season.
Strategically placing waterless hand sanitizing stations throughout your workplace provides another opportunity for employees to wash their hands on the go, ridding them of any germs that they may have just picked up by simply opening the refrigerator or using the copy machine.  NECS can provide different options for customers based on their specific needs of sanitizing stations. Of the many different options NECS offers, we find the following are typically the best two options for customers: 
I. ECO LABS Gentle hand sanitizer is Formulated to kill 99.99% of pathogens within 15 seconds. Built with  vitamin E, moisturizes and 5 emollients to help maintain skin moisture. 
II. ECO LABS Instant hand sanitizer gel is food code compliant and more than 99.5% effective in protecting  against a broad range of food borne illness-causing bacteria. 
Specialized work is where NECS truly thrives in showing customers the highest quality of work and attention to detail in which they are receiving. Especially during this busy season, NECS works closely with our customers to provide individualized disinfection programs to provide the essential services that will effectively disinfect all high touch areas, the most common places for germ and bacteria transmission. In addition to these services, NECS is excited to be using the newest technology in the cleaning world from the original killers of disease and bacteria themselves, Clorox. 
Clorox has developed their advanced Clorox360 machine, designed with an advanced misting method, which is able to completely cover and disinfect from small to large areas in a matter of seconds. The technology of the Clorox360 machine puts an electrostatic charge on the disinfectant chemical and when misted into the air, each molecule spreads out looking for a ‘positive’ surface to stick to. It effectively covers an entire surface such as a telephone, door handle or even a full desk surface with disinfectant occurring in less than seconds, not missing a single surface area.
Within an evening when employees go home, NECS is able to disinfect your entire workspace from floor to ceiling promoting a healthy environment. NECS offers two different disinfectants, one that has 20 kill claims of known bacteria and diseases and one that one that is approved for food contact surfaces. 
NECS can create a program that is safe and effective for your facility. Contact NECS today so that we can help begin transform your workspace into the cleanest and most efficient space that it has ever been.


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